
The Next Generation in Skin Rejuvenation

Improve tone, texture, and color with Minimal Downtime!! Safe and effective for all skin types.

Sublative Rejuvenation is breaking new ground in the field of cosmetics by offering patients of all skin types a safe and effective solution in reversing multiple signs of aging. Unlike other treatments that work from outside-in, Sublative Rejuvenation works from the inside-out targeting collagen production required for treating fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars, and textural irregularities caused by excessive sun exposure and aging.

Refresh the appearance of areas around your cheeks and eyes. Reduce the appearance of wrinkles and texture irregularities. Smooth fine lines around your nose and mouth. Treat brown, red and pink spots.

Energy is applied to the skin in matrix spots. The healthy skin around the spots accelerates the healing process.

How does Sublative Rejuvenation work?
Sublative Rejuvenation was developed with patients of all skin types in mind. It is fractionated bi-polar radio frequency energy, making it an entirely unique way of treating skin. Exclusively with this energy, Sublative Rejuvenation keeps the majority of the top layer of skin intact, delivering bulk dermal heating beneath the skin to maximize collagen production.

Is Sublative Rejuvenation right for me?
Unlike traditional aggressive laser treatments, Sublative Rejuvenation produces minimal damage to the surface layer of the skin, making it a safe and effective treatment for all skin types.

When can I expect to see results?
A minimum of 3 treatments every 4-6 weeks is typically recommended for optimum results. The total number of required treatment sessions depends on your skinā€™s condition. Schedule a personal consultation to discuss the best Sublative Rejuvenation regimen for you.

Does it hurt?
During treatment, many patients feel a warm, prickly sensation as the radio frequency energy enters their skin. After treatment a pink or red ā€œsunburnā€ appearance and felling is also common. Topical anesthetic ointments can be used to reduce unpleasant feeling during treatment.

The Beauty of Sublative Rejuvenation.
Over time, our skinā€™s youthful appearance is affected by the cumulative effects from sun exposure, loss of collagen and moisture and more. Sublative Rejuvenation is used to treat fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars, textural irregularities caused by excessive sun exposure and skin laxity; restoring your skinā€™s natural beauty. For more information visit, www.sublativeskin.com

Ready to get started?

Give us a call to book your appointment at one of our three locations
Oxford – 1-256-831-8100
Birmingham – 1-205-988-3733
Jacksonville – 1-256-435-6200