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Frequently Asked EMSculpt Neo Questions

EMSCULPT NEO is the first and only non-invasive body shaping procedure that uses radiofrequency heating for
fat reduction and high intensity focused electromagnetic energy (HIFEM®) for muscle strengthening and toning in
a 30-minute session. The end result is more fat reduction and muscle growth than any single gold standard product, for
less time and less money. Best of all, EMSCULPT NEO has a broad patient appeal as it can treat patients up to BMI 35.

EMSCULPT NEO is based on an applicator simultaneously emitting synchronized RF and HIFEM+ energies. Due to
the radiofrequency heating, the muscle temperature quickly raises by several degrees. This prepares muscles for
exposure to stress, similar to what a warm up activity does before any workout. In less than 4 minutes, the temperature
in subcutaneous fat reaches levels that cause apoptosis, i.e. fat cells are permanently damaged and slowly removed
from the body. Clinical studies showed on average a 30% reduction in subcutaneous fat. Bypassing the brain limitations,
HIFEM+ energy contracts 100% of the muscle fibers in the area at intensities that are not achievable during voluntary
workout. Extreme stress forces the muscle to adapt, resulting in an increase in the number and growth of muscle fibers
and cells. On average the muscle volume increases by 25%.

EMSCULPT NEO can be applied over the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, arms & calves.

Yes! EMSCULPT NEO and the embedded high intensity magnetic field (HIFEM) technology has been clinically tested for
safety and efficacy through seven clinical studies*. Moreover, 30 scientific publications make HIFEM the most intensively
researched body contouring technology since its introduction in 2018.

Please wear comfortable clothing or you will be provided with a change in clothes. The skin must be cleaned and the applicator must be flat directly on the skin. Unlike EMSculpt, the applicators cannot be placed over your clothes. If you have abdominal or nipple piercing or private part piercings, please remove them prior to your treatment. They may get hot from the heat generated during the procedure and then possibly cause burns in the areas where the piercings are.

Remove your watch and belt and any electronic device from your body like your phone to avoid any of them overheating and/or malfunctioning.

You can keep your earring, necklace and bracelets on but are free to remove them if you wish.

You will fell gentle warming sensation over the first 3-4 minutes and then, you will just be distracted with contractions on your abdomen and most likely will no longer even feel any heat, it will simply feel like hot stone massage.


EMSCULPT NEO procedure is simple and easy. There is no pre-preparation required for this procedure. You will lay down
while the applicators are applied over the treatment area for 30 minutes. During the treatment you may feel intense
yet tolerable muscle contractions along with heating sensation which is comparable to hot stone massage. Once the
procedure is completed, you can immediately get back to your daily routine.

Protocol for EMSCULPT NEO is usually four 30-minute treatments, scheduled 5-10 days apart.

There is no downtime with this procedure. You can get back to your daily routine right after the treatment.

Each patient’s results may vary but the best time to see the final results is in 3 months after the last treatment.

After the treatment, the dead fat cells are flushed out from the body through metabolic processes. The rest is flushed
out by the body.

No, EMSCULPT NEO procedure does not help with weight reduction. The therapy helps reduce your fat and build your muscles.

There is absolutely no marks on the skin after the procedure.  One may see some redness where the heat was produced, but it will go away in about 1 hour. Mild tenderness or soreness may be present but that’s it.  No recovery. No Pain. No downtime. No restrictions.

EMSculpt NEO and EMSulpt are not the same laser and do not do the same thing.

If you were a candidate for EMsculpt and have had the treatment done, it does not automatically mean you are a candidate for EMSculpt Neo.  It is highly advisable and strongly recommended to have another expert consultation to determine whether you are a candidate for EMSculpt Neo treatment.

The answer is immediately after if you wish.  Some people workout before EMSculpt Neo treatment, some prefer to workout after their treatment and some use their treatment day as a cheat day. 

If you can easily remove the pump from your body for the duration of the treatment, which is 30 minutes, then you should be able to receive this treatment.  The only way to be certain, is to have a proper discussion and a physical exam by Dr. Haynes before the treatment can be administered. 

While this was not studied in clinical trials conducted, this topic can be discussed with Dr. Haynes during your consultation. Having an IUD, whether hormonal or copper, is not considered a contraindication but rather a precaution. HIFEM technology does not penetrate deep enough to be able to affect internal organs such as uterus. 

Yes, it is safe to get EMSculpt Neo treatment when you have dental implants 

It’s a great question but a simple answer is that it depends on each individual, the type of hardware was used for them and whether their orthopedic surgeon or neurosurgeon has approved them for it.  It needs to have a careful examination and in person consultation. 

It’s not a simple yes or no answer but rather it depends.  You should discuss it with your spine surgeon this treatment. If you were able to get MRI on your back then this should not be an issue as the MRI magnet is much stronger that HIFEM magnet part of EMSculpt Neo

The temperature is being always monitored inside the applicator and it also features auto shut off when the temperature reaches over 44 degrees Celsius .  The average effective temperature for lipolysis or destruction of fat cells is between 42-44 degrees of Celsius.

It feels like a good and intense workout with gentle warming sensation without breaking a sweat, just in the treatment area!

The most common side effects are tenderness and soreness in the treatment area. Immediately after, the skin might feel wet, but that’s about it.  Literally no signs of anything being done

Absolutely not.  It has not been studied and Dr. Haynes does not feel comfortable or ethical to perform this treatment even when it’s another area besides abdomen. 

There is not one solid consensus on this topic but Dr. Haynes feels comfortable recommending EMSculpt Neo treatment to her breast feeding patients. The details of this can be discussed at the time of your in person consultation 

It is always best to consult with your surgeon before doing any treatments in the area where surgery was.

It’s impossible to cover all areas and surgeries, but if you are interested in treating the abdominal area and recently had a hernia repair surgery or tummy tuck or appendectomy or c section, it is best to wait 3-6 months after surgery to get this treatment done.

Not only does it help to return abdominal muscles back to flat position, it was proven to  reduce it by 19% non surgically.  It’s a total game changer for women who need to gain their body back and is a vital part of a non surgical mommy makeover.

If you had liposuction and have irregularities and/or missed areas of fat in the abdomen, you can get this treatment done after about 2-4 weeks after your procedure. 

Yes, women should wait about 3 months after having a baby before starting this treatment unless they were cleared by their ob/gyn earlier. It takes a couple of months after baby delivery for the uterus to return to normal size. It’s not a strict guideline but rather an advisable recommendation. Every patient heals differently.

It is advisable to wait about 3 months after your surgery to allow uterus to return to normal size before receiving EMSculpt treatment.  While HIFEM technology does not affect internal muscles like uterus, it’s a safe precaution based purely on physiological science to wait about 3 months to avoid any unnecessary if any uterine stimulation. Yes you can get EMSculpt Neo after having a C-section but it should not be applied directly over your scar as it may cause a blister. 

If you have a tattoo in the area where the applicator will be applied, then you are not a candidate for EMSculpt Neo treatment.  Radio frequency part of the applicator may cause blistering of the skin as tattooing process involves micro scarring of the skin in order for the ink to be delivered under skin.

EMSCULPT NEO treatment does not require any pre-treatment preparations. You can resume your regular lifestyle right
after the treatment. It is recommended to follow a healthy lifestyle, balanced diet and proper hydration for best results.

Liposuction cannot be compared with EMSCULPT NEO as EMSCULPT NEO is a completely non-invasive procedure.
It does not require surgery, needles, anesthesia, or any downtime. There is no other device in the aesthetic field that
treats both fat and muscle in a single treatment.

Even slimmer patients interested in muscle building can enjoy significant benefits when using the EMSCULPT NEO.
Clinical studies showed on average a 25% growth in muscle mass.